Nephi taking off to check out the great big ocean! Michael remembers from the last time he was at the beach. Remove shoes before entering water!

Here is Grandpa Zaugg catching some Zzzzzz's. He got a sunburn too.

Most of the grandkids. Erich's family wasn't able to come. L-R we have Ryan, Kyrsten, Karman, Kayann, Candace holding Nephi, Christopher, Donovan and Michael.

Mom and Dad Zaugg are big on family pictures at just about every family gathering. There is nothing wrong with that. Nope there isn't. We can look back and remember all the fun times we've had. Here we are at Oceanside beach, OR. Back row L-R Mom Z, Dad Z, Russell, Ron and Carrie. Front row L-R Kayann, Christopher, Michael, Candace holding Nephi, Ryan, Donovan, Kyrsten and Karman.
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