Summer 1999. This picture was taken not too long before we moved from Utah to Eagar, Arizona. I love this picture. All three boys look like they are up to something. L-R is Christopher, Franklin (cousin) and Donovan.

Christmas 1999 was spent in Utah at Aunt Carrie and Uncle Ron's house. Grandma and Grandpa Zaugg came a couple days later as the roads were super icy and they needed to stay the night in a motel along the way. Here Russell is helping Donovan and Candace is watching. Christopher is playing with a toy he got. The drive home from Utah was interesting. We got through I-70 just before they closed it. What should have been a 10 minute max drive on it took about 45 minutes as it was so icy. Once we made our exit - the roads were much better. We were so happy to sleep in our beds that night.

All the grandkids on the Zaugg side were able to get together during Spring Break 1999. Aunt Carrie, Aunt Andrea and I took you cousins and got these pictures. They are some of my favorites. In the top picture Christopher is 17 1/2 months old and Donovan is 3.

We have all the boys on the left wearing matching outfits! All the girl cousins are wearing Easter pastels. This picture was taken 20 March 1999 in Provo, Utah. Back row L-R is Donovan 3, Ryan 3 1/2, Emma 5, Karman 2 months, and Kyrsten 2. Front row L-R is Christopher 17 1/2 months and Eliza 3.
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